I've been participating in the Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt for years now, and always enjoy it. This year I really need the motivation to get out there with my camera. I'm off to a relatively slow start. You can check in with the other participants at Mary-Lou's blog, and join in if you'd like. The list (compliments of Mary-Lou) is right here.
We might as well start with #16 - A Guilty Pleasure - and yes, it was, on several nights recently with fresh local strawberries.
A Delivery Truck - #10
This is a perfectly acceptable entry, but I really missed the boat when they delivered a new window to be installed in our kitchen! I just wasn't thinking about the scavenger hunt!
What's in Bloom #7
Both of these plants have been gorgeous this year. The dogwoods are beginning to fade (or have faded), but the aphrodite will bloom all summer.
Last, but definitely not least, is a photo that represents three of the items on the list: #3-Something That Represents Home, But Not the Building, #6-Something That Makes You Happy, and #9-Something Older Than You. I know that's probably cheating, but we both got a chuckle out of thinking it up. I'm sure I can find other examples for some of those clues, but for now, he's got me covered!