I'm ten days late in getting this post up. You can find the other link-ups here at Mary-Lou's blog who generously provides the list as well as a link to others participating. I always enjoy these summertime hunts. Although I was slow to get going, I've ended up with photos for eight of the prompts.
Caleb with his decorated bike for the neighborhood Fourth of July parade: #3 Something with the colours of your country’s flag.
This bridge on one of our hiking trails is constructed of multiple triangles: #6 Something in the shape of a triangle.
This leaf is definitely bigger than my hand. We found it walking around a gorgeous neighborhood in Racine. #8 A leaf longer than your hand.
One day when we were out walking, Adam and the kids passed us on their bikes. #14 Something with wheels.
This peony is naturally round as are its buds. #17
Also found on one of our hikes at home near the Irondequoit Bay were folks out in their kayaks. #18 Something that can go in water.
This might be pushing the prompt a bit (#19 A rock with color in it.) These are rocks with color on them. Caleb, Hannah, and I painted rocks with alcohol inks while I was visiting.
And finally, for the first link-up, Alternate C: Something with four sides.
It's not too late to join in the hunt if you're interested. Photos must be taken between the 1st of June and the 30th of September, so there's plenty of time to play along. Here's the list if you're interested. (I copied and pasted the list, and can't get it to center with the numbers! One of Typepad's idiosyncrasies.)
Summer Scavenger Hunt
- A favourite piece of jewelry
- Something with or in a knot
- Something with the colours of your country’s flag
- A toy you play with
- Something you have more than one of-stamps
- Something in the shape of a triangle
- Something that displays a rule(s)
- A leaf longer than your hand
- Something that starts with the initial of your name (first or last)
- Something smaller than a paper clip
- Something you need to throw away
- Something that holds your favourite beverage
- A rubber band/elastic in use
- Something with wheels
- Something inherited
- Something with rough texture
- Something naturally round
- Something that can go in the water
- A stone/rock/pebble with some colour in it
- Something with the number 7 in it
Alt A. An animal statue
Alt B. Something heavier than your shoe
Alt C. Something with four sides
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