I'm late this month in joining Sandie in her 5 in 5 minutes meme. Seems that travel knocked my schedule out of whack! Yesterday, however, I was in our front yard admiring our hydrangeas, and took 5 minutes to walk around and photograph some of them. They're blooming later than usual this summer, but are also more prolific than they've been. We have seven in our front yard, several in the back yard and around the patio, and one new one that somehow we planted in my cutting garden. It's one of my favorite, and I cut the two blossoms and brought them inside before I decide on this theme for 5 in 5. But although inside it, too, was taken in the 5 minute time limit. We'll start with that one.
I absolutely love the color of this one. We're doing some major renovations around our patio, and next year I'll move this one up there---hopefully with a few others.
When Matt redesigned the landscaping in our front yard a few years ago, he planted this hydrangea tree. It starts out pure white, and you can see it changing to pink in this photo.
Also in the front yard are six hydrangeas that don't grow quite as tall as many of the others. They are just beginning to bloom, and usually produce blooms in pinks, purples, and blues.
For the last several years we've only had 1-3 blooms on this hydrangea which is just outside our dining room door. These make a wonderful bouquet,
and I have a pitcher full of them inside.
This hydrangea is behind the previous one, and is probably close to 5 ft. tall.
These are my favorite summer flowers because they bloom all summer, make wonderful bouquets, and some of them dry beautifully as well. For the last two winters, I've had a vase or two filled with the dried hydrangeas from our front yard.