The flowers on Nantucket are not confined to window boxes, so on another trip downtown I focused on flowers along the way.
The hydrangeas on Nantucket are truly amazing. I have several hydrangea plants. The ever-blooming varieties that Matt planted in our front yard are loaded with blossoms. The large hydrangea off our patio, not so much. Some years there are multiple blooms. This year we've only had three. I picked all three of them to put in a vase so I could enjoy them.
None of us had ever seen this variety with the two-toned flowers. I need to see if I can find out what variety they are. Gorgeous!
Most hydrangeas are blue or pink, but these are really a lovely shade of purple. Maybe they count as a pink?
I love them along a fence.
The roses are also lovely along a fence.
I love Shasta daisies wherever they are. Mine have spread out so much we had to dig up a few.
I'm a huge fan of orange---flowers, clothes, shoes---whatever!
I loved the pretty flowers with the flags in these pots.
And, finally, a beautiful pink flower--a kind of geranium? I would love to have some in pots on my patio!