Another favorite spot in Ithaca is the Cornell Ornithology Lab, Sapsucker Woods. It's interesting to me that no matter what time of year or what time of day we go, we rarely see very many birds. We hear hundreds, but don't see many. Nonetheless, it's always fun to search out other subjects for photographs.
The back of the main building from the trail around the pond.
Most of the serious photographers were actually inside the building at the observation windows. Clearly I need a longer lens!
There are benches all along the trail, but only one that is protected. It was very hot and humid so we appreciated the shade.
If you look closely in the center of the photograph, there's a bee working it's way around the flower.
My second contender for the SPSH alternate: A Birdhouse
And for #9: A bridge
An aviary hotel.
The deer was busy eating something. I had to wait quite awhile for him to pickup his head, but he never turned around while I was there.
The chipmunk posed for several minutes before scampering off into the woods.
Another possibility for #7: A Curving Path for the SPSH.
This dragonfly's wings are amazing.
You have to look closely because the green frog's camouflage is very effective. He/she is peeking out under the tree trunk.
And, lastly, one of the beautiful water lilies on the pond.