We have a variety of bird feeders in our front yard, and enjoy watching the birds from our kitchen table. This week we've had three pleasant surprises. The first was the return of the yellow finches. I love the little one on the top of the crook.
And then a bigger surprise: the rose-breasted grosbeak. We see them only occasionally, and often just for a day or two on their way north, but this year they've been here for a week already. Yesterday I counted 6 males and 4 females in the yard at once! We've never seen that many before.
But the biggest surprise was this morning when, for the first time ever, we had a visit from some Baltimore Orioles. There were four of them and they returned multiple times today. I hope they'll stay awhile like the grosbeaks.
I'm joining in with Mary-Lou for the Take Three Thursday meme--just getting this posted at the end of the day!
And one final photo of three of the Baltimore Orioles in the tree across the street. They are such a brilliant orange you can see them from a distance. Watching both the orioles and the grosbeaks fly about is just beautiful. They are even more gorgeous in flight.