There are three gift shops in small towns east of Rochester that I visit at the change of each season. Today was the Fall Open House for two of the shops, so having a free morning, I took a little drive. I found nothing of interest at my favorite shop in Palmyra, but picked up a few fall decorations at the second shop. On my way back to Rochester, I stopped in Macedon to take some photos for Sandie's Five in Five meme: five photos taken within five minutes. It was easy to do because they have lots of outdoor decorations. Perhaps I should have stayed outside, but I decided to take a look inside as well. It was very crowded, but I joined the long line at the check-out to purchase a new fall wreath for the front door and a beautiful handmade wool felt pillow for the living room. I'll share those when the fall decorating gets done. For now, here are five photos from the Main Street Trading Company to get you in the mood for fall.
I spotted the pick-up truck on my way out to Palmyra, and knew I'd be stopping for some photos on my way home.
The trip put me in the mood to switch out the summer decorations for the fall ones, but first I need to finish a major purge and reorganization of my crafting space/office which I started yesterday.