Today is the last day of September, and the end of the Summer Photography Scavenger Hunt. At the end of August, I had just two items left to find: #9 Looks Smaller Than You, and #13 Equal Portions.
I found the first one on a road trip to Ithaca a couple of weeks ago. On our way into Ithaca, we stopped at the overlook to Taughannock Falls and Tracy helped me get this photo:
Somehow I remembered the Equal Portions prompt amid all the excitement of Skylar's birthday party, and Matt let me snap this photo before he served any of the delicious chocolate cake.
As I always do, I enjoyed the hunt and look forward to the next one! Thanks to Mary-Lou for creating a fun list and hosting the scavenger hunt. You can find the rest of my scavenger hunt photos here, here, and here. Typically I create an album for all the hunt photos in a SmugMug album, and eventually that will also happen. Travel does seem to interfere with my best posting plans!