It's been a few weeks since I joined Mary-Lou in her Take Three Thursday meme. Although we've had warmer temperatures, and some sunny days, not much is blooming in our yard. The helleborus are an exception, but they are planted off our patio and it's only been warm enough one day to sit out there. In addition, the blooms hang downward so it's hard to see how lovely they are. Last year, Maggie posted a photo of some floating in a bowl, so thanks to her, we have some on our living room table which we've enjoyed all week.
It's not often that I overbook myself, but today is one of those days. When I leave here for my discussion group at noon, I won't return until after 9:00 this evening. It's a gray, rainy day so I guess being cooped up inside at meetings and with tutoring isn't interfering with any outdoor activities.