In the Making, prompt #9, was also an easy one to find in Morocco. In the medinas of Fes and Marrakesh we saw many, many craftsmen and women in the process of making. Here are a few:
This woman was making sheets of phyllo. She'd spoon a bit of the dough on the hot griddle, pat it flat with her bare hands, and place it on the pile to the right.
Hand painting pottery in Fes.
The brush being used here is fascinating.
Hand hammering copper pots.
Polishing the copper ware.
Weaving with agave silk. They strip the leaves of the agave plant, die the "threads" and weave it into scarves, tablecloths, and other linens.
The women in this shop embroider without a pattern, "from their imagination," the owner told us. The underside of their work is as perfect as the top.
The photo for Having Fun, the tenth prompt, happened in the weaving shop. Without being asked, both Tracy and I were wrapped in turbans, as well as a third member of our group. All of the wraps were different, and used for different purposes.
Stationery was the twelfth prompt. I snapped a photo of the stationery folder at our hotel in Fes.
I posted photos for "A line of . . ." here. Although I've also posted some photos of Volubilis for the February 5 in 5 meme, here are a couple more that work for both "Stones" (#14) and a "Sense of History" (#16).
"Many" (#17) was also easy to find in the souks of the medinas.
The copper souk near the craftsmen shown above for "In the Making."
Leather shoes. I bought a red pair for about $10 which I intend to use as slippers when I visit friends who prefer you to leave your shoes at the door.
Lanterns of all types and sizes.
And although out of order, I'll finish for today with #19, "A pair of . . ."
See above.
This board with pairs of Moroccan shoes (babouches) was hanging in the lobby of our hotel in Marrakesh.