It's May 5th, and I'm here to join in with Sandie at Itchifingers with her Five in Five meme on the 5th, no less! The goal is to take as many photos as you want in 5 minutes and choose 5 to post. It rained all day today, but finally stopped around dinner time, and lightened up for a little bit. I grabbed the camera and went out in the yard to find some signs that show that spring is definitely here.
The first photo is actually one of Gerber daisies that were purchased at the grocery store. It's a good size container with three brilliant colored daisies---all for $7. It's finally warm enough to keep a planter like this outside.
Next up, one of the last of the daffodils. Tulips are in bloom in many yards, but the deer eat ours every year, so we've stopped planting them.
Our rhododendron is as beautiful as I can ever remember it. We had a less severe winter this year, so I'm wondering if that's why it's so lush. We have another one that is just budding now.
As I was taking photographs, a large bee showed up. "Buzz" was a prompt for the Project 365 in April, so I'll be posting this one for today. It's like the scavenger hunts. Even when I can't find it on time, I keep looking, and usually I find what I'm looking for eventually.
Finally, a shot of the hostas which are coming up as well.
There's nothing but rain in the forecast for Rochester. Well, a snowflake is the icon for one of my weather apps for Monday. But we'll be in Chicago by then which (unusually) seems to have a much brighter forecast for the next week. I'm anxious to hold that baby girl that we last saw when she was 3 1/2 weeks old, and to catch up with Caleb, Sarah, and Adam.