It's amazing what two beautiful, unusually warm days will do for the view. On Friday, I wrote that there were almost no flowering trees in bloom, and very few trees greening. Last night Tracy and I took a walk after our Easter celebration at his brothers, and the neighborhood has burst into color.

We had a pretty quiet weekend until Easter Sunday when we were away nearly the whole day. On Friday and Saturday, I caught up with my online class assignments, and worked on getting my studio back in order. We made our second run to the garden center, and picked up two beautiful pots for our front yard, and some pansies which will withstand the great variation in temperatures expected this week.
Yesterday we started the day at Matt and Betsy's with the girls for breakfast and their Easter egg hunt. Skylar and Ella were really into it, and it was so much fun to watch them run about the yard looking for their eggs. The Easter Bunny had left a letter for them, telling them what color eggs they should look for. Skylar's were light blue, Ella's were dark blue, and Maddy had green. Then there was one golden egg for everyone. Maddy, of course, was just an observer this year.

They needed Daddy's help to reach some of the eggs. The Easter Bunny may have had a drone!

Then, of course it was time to find out what was hidden in those eggs.

From there we went to church. I don't take photos in church, but I wish you could have seen the gorgeous flower arrangements, and heard the amazing music. There was brass and timpani, and a full choir. Absolutely glorious!
Tracy's brother and sister-in-law hosted Easter dinner. Thunderstorms were predicted, but aside from a brief shower just as we arrived, the day remained sunny and warm. Susan set the table with her grandmother's china, and we had a wonderful feast of ham, potatoes, broccoli au gratin, salads, and hot cross buns. I've been pretty good about watching my portions, but I definitely overate yesterday.

There wasn't much in the way of exciting mail this week. Last week, I noticed Melissa had received her copy of Uppercase, and I wondered where mine was. It did arrive this week along with the newest issue of Cloth, Paper, Scissors. The latter subscription was a gift from a friend. Now that I don't do much multi-media work, there's not as much that interests me. There's always one article, though, that attracts my attention.

On the ride home last night I finished the novel for our book group, Shadow of the Wind. It was a long book with a very involved plot, but I enjoyed it, and am looking forward to next week's discussion. I should have time now, to catch up on reading some periodicals. A rather large pile has accumulated since we returned from our trip.
I thought, perhaps, I'd get a Happy Easter post up yesterday, but I was too tired last night, so if you can hang in there just another minute or two, I'll share the Easter cards I made for the grandchildren. All of them were created with the March Simon Says Card Kit. (Maddy's card was made earlier and shared here.)

Ella loves her sunglasses, and I couldn't resist casing this card from Yana Smakula.

The inside sentiment continues, "thinks you're awesome! Happy Easter"

"Happy Easter!"
And last, but not least, for the newest grandchild:

Waving to Sian and Monday Memo Makers! Hope you have a great week ahead.
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