I planned this post in my mind early this morning before it was light, and I got so busy during the day I almost forgot to take the photos before it got dark this afternoon. (Yes, afternoon. There is so much less daylight in December, and I keep forgetting.) Earlier today I posted a photo of the shopping cart filled with flowers at The Garden Factory on Saturday. I thought it would be fun to see where they ended up in our yard, and in our house. Actually there are six photos, but I'll stick to the rules and just post five of them.
While I was waiting in line with Matt at The Garden Factory I spied these amazing urns filled with greens---far too large for our yard. Matt quickly noticed that there were smaller ones on a stand just to the left. After I left them, I discovered that they were very reasonable, and one quickly hopped into my cart. When Matt redid our landscaping this fall, he left this wonderful stone which looks great alone, but also holds a good sized pot.
We've had a couple of old sleds hanging in our garage for years, but it's only been the last year or two that I've added some greens to one of them and put them on the (very small) front porch. I added the ribbon at home, and didn't even notice when I was (quickly) taking the photo how much the wind was blowing.
Every year we have a bright red poinsettia in our living room.
And often a multi-colored one in the dining room.
It wouldn't be Christmas without a cyclamen. Actually I bought two, a bright red one that's in the dining room, and this gorgeous pink and white one for my desk upstairs. When my father was alive, he always sent me a cyclamen at Christmas time.
Linking up with Sandi at Itchifingers for her Five in Five (5 photos in 5 minutes) with thanks for hosting this monthly meme.