Our church has sponsored The Grocery Run (a 5K race/walk) for the last six years. This is the third or fourth time I've walked the 5K. 100% of the proceeds go to hunger ministries, not only at our church but across the city. This year over 1200 people participated, and $41,000 was raised. It was perfect weather for it, really amazing for November---sunny and in the high 40's, nearly 50° by late morning. Some years it's been snowing!
In addition to funds, participants bring donated food to FoodLink, a nonprofit organization that sponsors food cupboards, backpack programs, and summer food programs for children. The top left photo shows folks loading the truck with the donated items. The top right is a photo of our retired Associate Pastor for Outreach who has always come in costume for the event. Now our current Outreach Pastor, Lynette, also comes in costume. I love the frame someone created for photo ops! By the time I remembered to take a photo of the finish line, most folks had finished. Needless to say, the runners were done well before any of the walkers! It's a great way to get some exercise and do some good at the same time.
And so, our election. I went to bed at 10:30 knowing in my heart what the results would be, was awake in the middle of the night for over an hour, and awoke to more anxiety than I can express. One consolation is that Hillary appears to have won the popular vote. (I've always believed the Electoral College was a flawed process, and today confirms it.) I find it so hard to understand how one can vote for someone who has shown such contempt for so many groups of Americans, but I also know there is a sense of futility felt by many that causes them to latch on to anyone who promises them a better future. Now to move forward, and to find ways to bridge the wide divisions that exist in this country. So I'll be praying to find ways to bring about reconciliation in my small corner of the country.