We celebrated the life of our friend, Bob, this weekend. It was a beautiful and meaningful service. Tracy was one of three speakers. He reflected on their 22 years of hiking through the backcountry in the Adirondacks which brought smiles and tears to our eyes. Later we gathered together to share stories at a local restaurant. It was a lovely tribute to a kind, generous, and loving man. He will be missed. Tracy found several photos of Bob taken in the Adirondacks. My favorite is of the two of them, taken many years ago.
Here's the card I sent to his wife and daughters, all dear friends. I combined PTI's "Splits: Best Wishes" and "Inspired Faith" along with the die from the latter set. A few tiny pearls finished it off.
And the inside:
Sunday afternoon we attended an "apartment warming" party for my nephew. He has some developmental disabilities, but with the help of his mom, stepfather, and support team he has moved into his first independent living apartment. Marc drives and holds down a job, but has never been on his own. It's a huge change, and he's alternately excited and apprehensive. The party was in the apartment complex's party room, but he proudly took anyone who was interested on a tour of his apartment. It's a great space, and I hope he'll be successful in making this huge transition. He made chocolate keys for everyone as party favors.
The message reads: "The key to happiness is friends and family like you."
Then after supper, I took my camera outside to see if I could capture a photo of the Super Moon. It's supposedly the largest and brightest moon we've had since I was born. I was too lazy to set up a tripod, and in retrospect wished I'd taken a tripod to a better location, but got a decent shot handheld (and then cropped.)
According to Honoré, we won't see another one for eighteen years, and if we weren't having company tomorrow night (supposedly even a brighter, bigger moon) I'd be off with my tripod. But I'm happy to have captured it.
Waving to Sian and other Memorandum keepers. Hope you have a great week!