Last month, I missed the linky for Sandi's monthly meme: 5 in 5: five photos shot within a five minute time frame. Kindly, Sandi linked me up after the fact, but I was determined to be more timely this month. In June, most of the photos were from the gardens surrounding our patio. Last night when we came home from dinner, the light was just right so I went out to my cutting garden in our lower yard to take some photos. It takes awhile in western New York for the flowers to get established. The cutting garden is about 85% perennials, and 15% annuals this year. I always plant a patch of zinnias, and usually some snapdragons. The goal is to have flowers to cut and bring inside all summer long.

I love the Shasta daisies. They bloom almost all summer long, and always look great in an arrangement.

Last year a critter ate all of my lupine plants, so I am thrilled to have four lupines one of which is always blooming this summer.

Last year, I bought some plant identity signs and carefully added all the plants' names to them. Despite the assurance that the ink was permanent, it turned out not to be, and I no longer know for sure what this beautiful orange flower is. I'm guessing someone who's a finer gardener than I am will be able to identify it.

We have lots of astilbe in our shade garden, and although it provides some color there, it is much more beautiful in this garden where it gets more sunlight.

And finally, one of my lovely zinnias.
I thought I'd add one last photo, not part of the 5 in 5 to show you the vase that's currently on the kitchen table. There's another arrangement in the living room as well.

Linking up to Sandi at itchifingers where you can find other 5 in 5 sets.
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