One Monday seems to follow another in quick succession, but I'm back again to wave to Sian and friends for Memorandum Monday: a chance to share something new you did or learned over the weekend. I have both to share today.
First, what I learned. I've taken on the challenge of reading the Bible cover to cover this year. I picked up a copy of the NRSV Daily Bible at the Presbyterian General Assembly a couple of years ago, and decided this was the year to tackle it. I'm enjoying it, but am now about to start reading some commentaries alongside it to learn a bit more about the historical context, and interpretation of the Old Testament.
Lucky for me, our church hosts a Sunday Seminar each week, and a three-part series on the wisdom books of the Old Testament is being taught by a dynamic professor of religion at the University of Rochester, Ann Meredith. Last week she talked about Proverbs, this week about Job, and next week we'll be talking about Ecclesiastes. First off, I had no idea Job was considered one of the wisdom texts. Job, of course, presents the problem of human suffering, particularly the suffering of innocents. It wasn't what I expected to be a wisdom text. The other big piece for me was the division of the book into two parts, a prose narrative and a poetic dialogue. I knew from lectionary readings the narrative story, but I had never read the dialogues. I skipped ahead in my reading this week to read Job before yesterday's session, and was glad I had. That, of course, is just a bit of what I learned. We have an eight page handout that summarizes the presentation. This week I'll be reading as much of Ecclesiastes as I can in preparation for next Sunday's seminar.
And now, a trip to a new venue. Saturday night we went with our friends, Karen and Mike, to a brewery on Seneca Lake. It was a gorgeous afternoon/evening, warm enough that many people were gathered outside on the patio when we arrived. Quite the contrast from a week ago when the weekend temperatures never got about 0°.
We weren't so hardy, but I did go out to get some photos before we ordered our dinner.
The view from our table was of the setting sun over Seneca Lake, and to the east a full moon rising above the bare trees. The flights of beer in the photos above were for the guys! We decided to share three sandwiches: meatball, Italian sausage, and steak and cheese. They were all great, but we agreed the meatball sandwich was the best.
A band played from 6-9. They were reasonably good, and pretty entertaining, as were all the dancers. All in all, quite a fun night. With the hour and a half drive both ways, we got a chance to catch up with one another, which was a good thing. We were sitting so close to the band that talking while they played was nearly impossible. We don't often make the trip to the Finger Lakes in February, but it turned out to be a great way to spend the evening.
I'm off this morning for my annual check with the dermatologist, getting my car inspected, and then to lunch with a friend. Our contractor says he's got three more days of work left in the smallest bathroom which had to be totally gutted. I'm guessing the painter won't be back until the plumber's done, and then he probably has several days of work as he's painting the upstairs hall as well as that last bathroom. I'm trying to figure out what to do with the powder room walls now that we no longer have wallpaper. They're looking rather bare. Hope you have a good week!