Well, this is actually a bit of a wrap-up of our time in Chicago, as well as the weekend Halloween adventures. It seemed like a good time to share a few photos. We had no idea when we planned our trip to Chicago, but Caleb made his debut in the Cherub Choir the Sunday we were there. Here he is all dressed up before the service on the front portico of the church.

I found this handsome blazer at a consignment shop for $12. It had never been worn!

Mom was checking in with Caleb before the service started. I asked him if he wanted me to come with him to the Sunday School room after he sang, but he is completely comfortable in this church and made it clear he could do it on his own.

And here they are, ages 3 1/2 to 6. It's amazing the height differences a couple of years makes! They sang loudly and clearly---and in tune! This was taken during the practice before the service, as I don't take photos during a church service.
If you read this blog regularly, you already know from my Pairs post that we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo while we were there. I thought I'd share a few photos so you could get a sense of what a lovely place it is.

This magnificent creature was one of our favorites.

The zoo has created some very lovely and spacious environments for the animals. I took lots of photos but these two were among my favorites.
This lion is at the main gate. Caleb posed for several photos here, but I think he was practicing growling in this one.

The carousel is one of the more beautiful ones I've seen. It would have made a great photo for Rinda's Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt this summer.

I passed up the opportunity to ride so I could practice panning with my new camera. I have to admit, after several sessions of trying, I've yet to take a successful panning photo. This time it was so bad, that I was lucky to have gotten one decent photo of Caleb, Sarah, and Tracy.

We walked across the street from the zoo to have lunch, and I was really glad we'd chosen to do it or I would have never seen this view of the Chicago skyline.

We arrived home on Wednesday, and Saturday night headed down to Matt and Betsy's to go "trick or treating" with Skylar and Ella.

Skylar went as Snow White.

And Ella was a baby pumpkin!

This is one of my favorite photos from the night. It captures so perfectly the relationship these two have already developed.

But I love this one, too. I'm always a sucker for photos taken of the little ones from behind. Love her candy bag!

Matt and Betsy do a great job of decorating for all the holidays. Matt is the best pumpkin carver I know. I thought he did a great job last year, but this year's jack o' lanterns were even better.

The Cinderella pumpkin is just amazing, and Skylar just loved it! Sadly, we missed all the little ones trick or treating in our neighborhood. We left a sign on our door telling when we'd be back, but we got just the older ones, and not very many at that. Our street only has sidewalks for the first few houses, and there are no street lights. By the time it gets dark, the little ones have gone in, or moved onto the next street with sidewalks and street lights.
Yesterday we drove to Buffalo for lunch with our book group. One couple moved to Buffalo a year ago, but wanted to stay in the book group. They have family here so come three times, and then the rest of us travel to Buffalo. We wanted to get our trip in before the weather turns nasty, as I'm sure Suzanne and Mike do not want to have to put us all up at their house. We're having unseasonably warm and sunny days right now, and I'm thrilled.
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