We spent Friday morning at the Lincoln Park Zoo. It's a lovely place, and we had a great time. I'll be back with another post about our week in Chicago (and more zoo photos) but here are three pairs from our morning at the zoo.
We were among the first people to see the new red panda cubs. They were just allowed outside for viewing on October 15th. We were early enough that it was easy to get a good look at them, as well as their momma. I don't believe I've ever seen a red panda before.
I have two photos of this pair to share with you. These birds were fascinating and we watched them for quite awhile. We're quite sure we've never seen one species cleaning a bird of another species, but that was exactly what was happening.
But this pair is my favorite, and it won't surprise you at all!
I'm linking up with Helena's Pairs which you can find right here.