It's the last Wednesday, the last day of 2014, and my 53rd Zoom In, Zoom Out pairing. I've loved this project and send many thanks to Helena for hosting it this year. I'm looking forward to next year's pairings which you can read about here.
We've been in Chicago for the last four days. We celebrated Christmas with Sarah, Adam, and Caleb when we arrived, and yesterday was a day-long celebration of Caleb's third birthday. Rather than opening all his gifts from his parents and two sets of grandparents, we spaced them out over the day. He was delighted with them all.
Caleb wanted a Thomas the Train cake, and luckily a local grocery store was able to accommodate him.
Here are a few other faves from yesterday.
Caleb woke up to this great poster drawn by his dad, and balloons on the stairway and on his chair at the table.
This was one of his favorite gifts (and his grandpa's, too.) Both Sarah and Adam and Tracy and I bought track sets that work together to produce this amazing spread with three motorized cars that zip around the track, over the hills, and through the tunnel. There are endless combinations, and he and Grandpa have created at least four different variations over the last day and a half.
Another big hit was a huge collection of matchbox cars we found at B.J.s. I couldn't resist and wasn't sure Sarah would appreciate them, but she found a Superman lunch box and all 64 cars fit right in it.
Have the Happiest of New Year's and best wishes for a wonderful 2015!