My Christmas cards are all in the mail. Since I send so many, I usually mass produce one design. This year I did three different designs which made it more interesting. When I'm sure all the recipients have their cards, I'll post them. After I was done, I played around with another design, and made a couple of these as well which I've used for folks I also need to remember with a monetary gift.
The beautiful wreath image is from Avery Elle and I die cut the sentiment with Memory Box's Typewriter Alphabet in red foil paper. The "berries" are my favorite pearls from AMuse. Here's a better look at the foil paper and gold embossing.
We're off in a minute to stop at Matt and Betsy's to see that cute baby and wish them a Happy First Anniversary. Then we'll go to the later church service where the choir and orchestra are presenting Bach's Cantata 140. It will be wonderful, as it always is!