I'm popping in to post my Zoom In, Zoom Out, but it's probably my last post for a week, and it will be awhile before I catch up with all of you as well. Sarah and Caleb arrive tomorrow for five days. When Matt and Betsy got married in December it was a very small, immediate family, event. They knew then they'd want to have a party for the extended family and friends and it's this Saturday. My brother and niece are arriving on Saturday morning, so we'll have a full house for the weekend. I'm excited to have family here and to see some friends we haven't seen in quite some time.
Last weekend was busy too. We spent all day Saturday and Sunday (and evening) helping Matt and Betsy move into their new house. It's a great house, with lots of room for a growing family, but the best part of all is the fabulous new yard. The house needs some updating (mostly painting), but the yard is perfect just the way it is.
Skylar is already enjoying it!
Then on Monday we got our vegetables planted at the community garden. I'm hoping this is a more successful year. Last year the torrential rains caused root rot, and we got less than half the yield we usually get.
When we bought our house nearly 29 years ago, we discovered a peony tree in our back yard. It's in the lower yard, and hard to see from the house or the patio. A few years ago when Matt was living with us, he picked one and put it in a bowl. Ever since we've brought them in to enjoy for a week or so while they bloom. The blossoms are huge and so beautiful.
You can check out Helena's kelpies and other links for the Zoom In, Zoom Out meme right here.
Here's hoping all is well with you. See you next week!