At the last minute, my resolve broke, and I signed up for Candice Stringham's "Flash of Brilliance" class at Jessica Sprague. I'm already glad I did. Tracy bought me a Canon Speelite 430EX for Christmas two years ago. I've been moderately successful with it, but had a lot of trouble at a recent Presbytery event. In just the first week, I've learned quite a bit.
Betsy and Skylar came to dinner last night, and Skylar was willing to let me practice a while. Here are some of my favorites, all taken with my 50mm lens.
This little girl is almost always happy and agreeable.
She loved crawling up into the rocker . . .
. . . and was able to rock herself. She didn't want any help!
But she was willing to sit in Tracy's lap and rock.
Although she doesn't have many words yet, she can surely let you know what she wants, and she understands all kinds of directions. She's also very good at signing for what she wants.
It wasn't easy to pick, but I'm linking this one up at P52 this week. I love the catchlights in her eyes and the expression is "so Skylar!"