September was a long month for us, and I'm quite sure I would have rarely picked up a camera if it weren't for the Capture 365 project. But every month it helps me capture our activities, and gives me an opportunity to summarize what I've done during the month. Somewhat like the Month in Numbers that many of you do (and I love.)
I raided my stash of Studio Calico kits (I have bits and pieces left from several months) for the materials on this layout. I found the Flair button and the woodgrain paper first and then worked from there. You can also see some Washi tape! (The patterned papers are Studio Calico, My Mind's Eye, and American Crafts; the clip is also My Mind's Eye and the wood veneer camera -colored with the Chai Tea ink pad by Papertrey- is by Studio Calico. I cut the title with my Silhouette.)
Here's a better look at the monthly photos:
September’s was a hard month here. Bill has been in the hospital and rehab the whole month, and decided at the end of the month that he was ready to go. He waited for Marcy to come home from her trip, and now he’s resting and being given comfort care. Ellie is still living here, and her life is such a roller-coaster of emotion. She supports Bill, but is devastated at the thought of losing him. The insurance has finally been settled for the B&B, so she’s had to deal with the loss of her home and possessions all over again. Tracy and I do what we can to support her as does the rest of the local family. It was a long month.
Tracy and I did get away one weekend to the Adirondacks. Tracy and Bob backpacked for two days, and Cathy and I “camped out” in Lake Placid at the Lake View Motel overlooking Mirror Lake. We had a lovely time, eating at favorite and new-to-us restaurants and doing a bit of shopping. We also made a road trip to Buffalo with our book group.
With everything going on here, keeping up with a photo-a-day was much harder. I resorted to a lot of plant photos, but honestly, if it weren’t for this project, I probably wouldn’t have picked up the camera at all.
I finished two books: The Violinist’s Thumb (for book group) and A Wedding in Haiti. I learned quite a bit from the first one, and loved the second one as I have everything by Julia Alvarez. I completed seven cards and four layouts. I also joined a study group at church where we’re reading the Psalms through a process developed in the 1600’s by an archbishop in England. I’m fascinated by the reading, and enjoying the small group discussion as well as the staff worship service that follows our group each Tuesday.
My social life didn’t suffer: lunches with Marie, Jane, Maureen, and Tina; duplicate bridge at Jack & Cathy’s (we won for the first time in over a year!); and dinner with Susan. My volunteer commitments were really heavy this month for all three Presbytery committees. A dinner with the Children’s Agenda was a highlight.
We're off to Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario for the weekend with our good friends, Karen and Mike. We have tickets to see the musical "Ragtime" and dinner reservations at one of our favorite restaurants. We'll visit a few wineries and wander through the town. The four of us have been going each fall for nearly a dozen or more years and it's always a great time.