Luckily, Hurricane Sandy did not interfere with either Sarah's or Matt's travel plans. And even more luckily, we escaped the effects of the heavy winds and rain. There were power outages here, and trees downed, but compared with much of the east coast, the storm was a non-event in Rochester. The damage and destruction downstate is devestating, and my thoughts are with all those who lost property and are without heat or electricity.
Sarah and Caleb arrived on Thursday night. It was a long day for them, with the typical airline delays, but they both arrived in good spirits. We took advantage of the one last nice day before the rains appeared and drove to Seneca Falls, visited a friend who is in rehab, and then came home to play in the leaves. Caleb's yard is a manicured rock garden, so this was his first experience in the grass. I think he liked it.
Matt arrived safely on Saturday, and we went to Mario's for a fabulous meal. Caleb was delightful, and
we all were able to enjoy the meal and our time together. I got this one photo of Sarah and Matt with my iPhone.
Sunday after church, the family arrived to meet Caleb. The table was all set. Tracy treated me to a wonderful flower arrangement, and carved out two little pumpkins to make candle holders.
It's always good to have an excuse to get family together.
Tracy's sister, Jill; her husband, Tom; her son, Marc, and Caleb
Tracy's mom, his cousin, Mona, and his brother, Randy
Sarah and Susan, Randy's wife
Matt, Tom, and Jill
Last night, we got together with Betsy and Skylar so the cousins could meet each other for the first time. I only took photos with my iPhone, and I wish I'd taken the better camera, but you can tell they had a good time.
Although Skylar is three months older than Caleb, Caleb is both taller and heavier than she is, but Skylar can certainly hold her own!
Matt's on his way back to Denver as I write this. There was a short delay with both flights, but he should be home by 11:00 Denver time. Today marked Caleb's 10 month "birthday" and we needed to take the monthly photos. We also set up the tripod to take a few family photos for Christmas. Neither of those sets are edited, but I did get some of Sarah, Matt, and Caleb in the process and edited one of them for this post.
It was so good to be together. Sarah is here for another nine days, and Matt will be back for Christmas, but we don't know when we'll all be together again. I love that everyone gets along so well, and enjoys just hanging out with one another.