I'm making good progress with the Rinda's Summer Scavenger Hunt, although not quite a good as Amy! Here are a few more:
#14 Bocce Ball at the church picnic last night
More ball playing at the picnic
#7 A fife and drum group practicing in the park
A group playing at the Farmer's Market this afternoon
#20 A hammock (I love the ivy that climbs up our friends' trees and frames this hammock.)
#11 Our shadows as we went on our walk
#13 Our library stacks
#18 A movie poster (The only movie we've seen this summer.)
I have just three more photos to take, and I'm expecting to find them before summer's end. I have more than one for several prompts, and I think I'll continue to collect them as I see them. I have an idea for a project at the end, and multiples will work just fine.