It's been a couple of tough weeks around here. One friend is home recuperating from a masectomy, another friend had surgery (more to come, perhaps) following a life-threatening fall, and yesterday one of my dearest friends received a diagnosis of a malignant brain tumor. She went to the ER on Sunday with flu-like symtoms and the tumor was discovered on a CAT scan. Who knows how long she might have walked around with this without knowing had she not gotten some kind of infection. Prayers for all of them would be appreciated!
I do have some Christmas crafts to share when there's time again to ready them for the blog, but for today, here are the last two projects I've posted at the Scrap-Mart blog. My time on the DT has come to an end. I've really enjoyed my association with all the wonderful folks there, especially Katie, who is a fantastic DT Coordinator.
A wintery card made with Canvas Corps and Heartfelt Creations products.
This was made with October Afternoon's Holdiay Style papers and snowflake stickers, and a new LifeStyle Crafts Snowflake border die, which was just perfect for this layout. I hid the jounaling on a stamped journaling card, since there wasn't a good place for it on the layout.
In all the rush and busyness of the last few days before Christmas, don't forget to take time to hug all those closest to you, and tell them you love them!