It's time to post photos for last week's Project 64 color and Sweet Shot Tuesday. Brooke made a comment about the purpose of Project 64 this week that sums up why I enjoy these challenges. "After all," she said, " . . . this project is all about having fun, learning and improving though practice!" I took 106 photos one day this week. I probably looked closely at about 30 of them, and edited many fifteen for a variety of projects, but I'm learning more and more about my macro lens and having a good time thinking about composition and struggling (as always) with lighting in my very dark house. In winter, especially, photographic projects are essential or I would only have my camera out to take photos of papercrafting projects.
Gray Papers
Spools of Gray
Gray Ribbon
Gray Sweater (the photo I chose to submit)
And Sweet Shot Tuesday (as well as Project 52):
I think this is turning out to be the Year of the Flowers. They're my favorite thing to shoot this time of year. I bought my first paperwhite kit from Target just after Christmas, and they've started to bloom this week. Here's my favorite shot of the week:
And a different view: