Happy New Year! Today seems like a good time to take a look backward at my word for 2010 and commit to a new one for 2011.
This year will be the fourth or fifth year I’ve chosen a word to help me focus on the things I want to do in the New Year. I find it much more effective than a list of very specific resolutions. Last year’s word was “intention.” I wanted to be much more intentional about how I was using my time. One of the first things I did was sign up for Karen Gruenberg’s “Reclaiming My Time” at BPC. It was a great class and help me prioritize how I spent my time and to identify where I was currently spending my time.
There were thirteen areas where I wanted and needed to spend time. I chose eight to focus on, knowing that areas likes “chores” and “volunteering” where areas that I would do as a matter of course. I made a mini-book, and included lists of things to consider for each area.
So here’s how I did:
Family: It might seem that this would have ended up on the list with volunteering and chores, but I knew that there were times when I would turn down a chance to spend time with family because there were too many things on my to-do list. I was much better this year at letting the to-do list take a backseat to family outings or even just sitting down to do a crossword puzzle with Matt or Tracy.
Friends: I spent a lot more time this year doing things with friends: crafting, visiting photography exhibits, going to concerts, visiting museums, and just meeting for coffee.
Read: I had a list of 40 books I wanted to read this year. I read 36 books, not far off the mark, but read only 8 of the books on the list. There are a few on the list I started and didn’t care for, but I’ve pulled the list out of the mini-book so I don’t forget the rest that I still want to read. New books keep coming out, and I end up reading those instead of the ones on my shelf.
Learn: There were 10 items on the list and there is only one (masking in Photoshop Elements) that I still don’t know how to do. That, I’m sure, will be covered in Kim Klassen’s photoshop class that starts in just a couple of weeks.
Photography: I’ve finally owned up to the fact that I cannot commit to a Project 365. I go in spurts, so that was definitely not a success. I’m hoping to participate in Darcy’s Sweet Shot Tuesday this year, and have promised myself that I will complete whatever challenges are posted on an online photography group I belong to. I have four books I wanted to read. Although I dipped into all of them, I did not complete any of them; I need to add them to the book list. There were ten things I wanted to learn in photography, and I have learned how to do most of them. I still have a few items on the list to check off, but I’ve learned a lot of things this year that weren’t on the list at all. I’m very happy with my progress here. Since I now shoot almsot exclusively in manual, I was actually surprised to see that this was on the list of things to learn.
Internet: I needed to better manage my time with blogs and internet surfing. I do very well here for a while, and then lose control again, but I am so much more aware of what’s happening that I regularly reassess and have let some things go. One thing I have mixed feelings about is time spent on message boards for online classes. I’ve really cut back on that, but I also know I’ve missed out on the community as well as a lot of inspiration.
Crafting: I had a list of 35 techniques I’d like to try. I’ve used about half of them, so I pulled that list out as well.
Exercise: Until I had back problems, and then a sprained ankle, I did well here. I was going to hour-long classes three times a week, and using the weight room regularly. Since October it’s been pretty bad, but I’ve just gotten the OK for the treadmill, bike, and elliptical machines so I need to get back into the swing of things. I find it much harder to make myself go to the gym when I’m scheduling it, instead of attending a class.
So what’s the word for 2011. About two months ago while I was reading a post on Cheri’s blog my word came to me: FINISH. I have too many projects started and classes begun, but not finished. So this year I’ve made a list of 10 classes and projects I want to finish or complete to my satisfaction. I thought about one/month, but realized that in January I’ll be gone at least two weeks, and the same is true in August. I’m sure there’ll be a couple other trips as well, so 10 seemed more manageable. In the spirit of the word, I’m going to try to be very selective about what new classes I take on this year. I have signed up for Kim’s photoshop class because two of my big projects to finish are digital ones. I’m also planning to take two classes that are tool-based classes: one on the Silhouette and one on the Zutter Bind-it All, neither of which I know how to use as well as I’d like.
Rinda has thrown out a challenge to create an art journal to track our progress with our resolutions or one word commitments. I’ve been thinking about how I want to document my progress, so I think I’ll do a tag book with a monthly update. I know I need to find some way to be accountable, and making tags will be a quick and easy way to do that. Perhaps I can incorporate some of Rinda’s art journal techniques as well.
Do you choose a word? Make resolutions? Whatever you do, have a healthy, happy 2011!