On Saturday I was lucky enough to attend a class in colored pencil technique taught by Dave Brethauer, creator and owner of Memory Box. I first heard of Dave many years ago when I visited Impress Rubber Stamps in Seattle. Before he opened Memory Box, Dave worked for Impress. When I heard he was coming to Buffalo Stamps and Stuff I knew I wanted to attend. Two of my friends rode up with me, and none of us were disappointed. Dave is a wonderful teacher. He gives clear directions, demonstrates techniques, and makes sure everyone in the class has the individual attention they need. We made five cards in class, all of which I like since they are definitely "clean and simple" cards. My technique needs some work, but I know I'll enjoy the practice. One thing I learned is that it will be better for me to do work on tiny images without wearing my contact lens which is for improved distance vision. At home that won't be a problem.
Here are the cards we made.
I'm writing this post on the porch of the cottage Tracy's family has rented on Consesus Lake for the week. It's just a perfect day, sunny and warm, but not too hot. Tomorrow morning VERY EARLY I leave for CHA from Buffalo. It will be a very early morning, but I'll be in Chicago in time for breakfast. I'm really excited about the chance to attend CHA, something I never thought I'd do. I've broken down and decided to take my computer so if there's time at night, I'll try to post some photos from the show.