Rinda posted some questions about wildflower shots on her blog. Last summer I had the same problems with fields of wildflowers that she had this weekend. The flowers were beautiful, but I couldn't capture the overall look of it. Individual flower shots were more successful. (Also true for Rinda who has a beautiful shot on her blog.) I remember reading up on it when I got home, and today I looked in two of my "go-to" photography books (Brian Peterson's Digital Photography Field Guide & Tom Ang's How To Photography Absolutely Everything) to see what I could find. Neither book had great explanations, but I could tell from looking at the photos that they were taken either at ground level or just above. My neighbor's front yard is filled with dandelions and wildflowers so I went over to see what I could do. I'm not totally pleased with the outcome, but they are certainly better than anything I took last summer. For the first two photos, I was laying on my stomach at the same level as the flowers. I'm not sure why I couldn't get more of the flowers in sharp focus. I tried changing my aperture, but it made very little difference.
The next two I took on my knees looking down on top of the flowers. I prefer these shots.
I'd welcome any ideas you have for taking this kind of shot.