One of my volunteer jobs for the past two years has been to chair the Youth Ministry Committee at my church. This is my second round at this post, and it has been quite different since I no longer have kids in the program. The new Youth Director and I have become quite good friends, and when she said she was going on a scouting trip to check out sites for the upcoming Mission and Music trip for youth in June, I volunteered to come along. We had a fabulous day. It was warm and sunny, and we spent the better part of the day at two beautiful lakes: Owasco Lake in Auburn and Skaneateles Lake in Skaneateles. The only other time I've been to Auburn was this winter to visit the Seward House and Tiffany Chapel. (It's the second page on this post where I was catching up with my Christmas Journal.) I had no idea there were such beautiful parks there as well.
Emerson Park on Owasco Lake:

Jane and I were surprised (but pleased) to see this memorial to the women who fought in WW II.
On our way out of town we found a second park and these cute ducks were willing to have their picture taken. I love the markings on the female. Sometimes the females are so dull, but not this one.
And in Skaneateles:
We had a fabulous lunch at the Bluewater Grill: scallop and corn chowder with a grilled smoked turkey and asparagus panini. They were perfect together and just delicious.
The Episcopal church sits right on the lake. It's a beautiful building.
The red doors were my favorite.
Our kids will be staying at the Presbyterian church across the street. The sanctuary is stunning. The afternoon sun was streaming through their stained glass windows.
I especially liked this one.
Skaneatlees has wonderful shops as well, so after lunch we spent some time browsing (and buying). I was too interested in the shopping to remember to take photos!
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