We're waiting, but the weather is not cooperating. We've had about 8-9 more inches of snow since I took these photos yesterday morning.
Fortunately we've not lost power, and the snow hasn't prevented me from getting to a concert at the Rochester Philharmonic last night, or to a Church Leadership Conference this morning. Tracy used the snow blower three times yesterday, and again this morning.
The Friday challenge on my photo board this week was "vintage." I used an antique cup that belonged to my great-aunts and put it on a beautiful hand-embroidered tablecloth that was made as a wedding gift to my parents. I used it as an opportunity to work on the fourth Develop on Friday lesson on changing your angle. Here are my two favorites.
I'm way behind in reading blogs, so I know there's new Develop on Friday lesson ready to try this week. I've just about finished all the lessons for Jessica Spragues's Wacom Tablet course. I didn't do the layouts since I'm not interested in doing that kind of total digital layout, but I will certainly use many of the techniques she demonstrated. One of the lessons was on photo editing a portrait, and the results were incredible. I have to say her courses provide a lot of "bang for the buck!" My goal was to learn to use my pen and tablet, and I've been using them exclusively since the first week of class.