My little project is finished and ready to go. In the "Reclaiming My Time" class at BPS, we spent three weeks thinking about how we use our time, keeping track of our time, and making a wish list of how we'd like to spend our time. Karen asked us to group all the things we do in a week into categories. I ended up with 13 groups, 8 of which are in the book. The other five I'll do no matter what, so my intentions there aren't so important. Thinking all this through was very helpful to me.
Another trick I learned from Karen's blog was to make lists. So each two-page spread includs an envelope that houses the lists I've made to help me stay focused on the things I want to accomplish. For instance, I made a list of 41 books I'd like to read this year. In 2009 I read 36 books, so it's possible I might read 41 books, but that's not the purpose of the list. The list does not include the books my book group will choose for 2010, and I'm sure I'll read a review of a new book and decide to read it instead of one on the list. But the list includes all the books I've been wanting to read (and many of which I own). Each group also includes a photograph and a quote I liked about each subject.
Album (Tinkering Ink), patterned paper (Paper Loft), stickers (SEI)
Clocks (Heidi Swapp), spinner (Tim Holtz), number stickers (from stash), patterned paper (Paper Loft)
I haven't attached the envelopes to the right-hand page, but may decide to do that later. Patterned paper (Paper Loft), stickers (Frances Meyers), Quote: "Family is the greatest blessing."
Patterned paper (Paper Loft), stickers (Frances Meyer), Quote: "Friendship is what gets you through the bad times and helps you enjoy the good times".
Quote: " Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."--Charles W. Eliot
Quote: "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."
Quote: "The heart of blogging is linking . . . linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating-the purpose of the internet."--George Siemens
Quote: "A camera is a tool for learning to see without a camera." --Dorthea Lange
Quote: "The true are of memory is the art of attention."
On a different topic, we've seen two movies in two days. Highly unusual; I don't remember the last time we've seen two movies in a month. Yesterday we saw Up in the Air with George Clooney. I loved it; the acting was superb, the writing excellent, and there was no trite ending. Today we went with friends to see Sherlock Holmes. It was well-done, but too many violent fights and explosions for my taste. As my friend said, "Hardly your grandmother's Sherlock Holmes."