We’ve been home for a little over a week now . . . sort of. The week we returned Tracy’s family rented a cottage at Conesus Lake. His brother from Arizona was here, and we had a family only celebration of Ellie’s 80th birthday, so we were at the lake almost every day. Luckily, the weather was better than it has been here.
Our trip was, in a word, FABULOUS! Truly, it could not have been better. We had nearly perfect weather, and nothing we planned was a disappointment. In fact, nearly all the sights were more interesting and breathtaking than we imagined. Take The Badlands, for example. I didn’t have any high expectations about The Badlands, but I was totally taken aback by its stark beauty and the amount of wildlife we saw.
I’ve managed to sort through the 1800 photos on my computer and narrow them down to a little under 400. The thought of editing and cropping them is a bit overwhelming so that’s one reason I’ve neglected the blog since I got back. I did think that I would post from the road, but our days were so full that all I did in the evening was upload my photos from the cameras and keep a daily journal. I’m seven weeks behind with my Project 365, but the photos are there and I’ll catch up eventually. Here are the stats on the trip:
8, 290 miles in three rental cars (you turn your car in and get a new one when it needs an oil change; we had to do it in Las Vegas and again in Denver.)
2600 photos, 3 cameras, and 2 photographers
29 days
12 national parks and monuments plus Lake Tahoe and a visit with Sarah & Adam
18 states
1 perfect roadtrip
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