I'm now officially one day behind, although I do have the journaling done for today. It looks like I may be doing some substitute teaching for the next few days, so I may be even farther behind soon. I reread the Christmas journal pages from two years ago, and looked through last year's album. Sometimes I'm finding I don't have a lot more to say about a given prompt, and without kids at home, there's not necessarily something interesting enough to document. So for yesterday I decided to do a little flow chart of the wrapping process, which was actually the prompt for today. All the paper, ribbon, tags, etc. are in our basement, and there's a folding table set up for wrapping. I've never documented the process. For the first time (ever) I'm nearly done wrapping all the gifts. I think there are only two more gifts yet to arrive, so I have less than 10 to wrap. Usually I'm still wrapping on Christmas Eve day. I'm sure it's another one of the benefits of being retired.