I'm not quite sure where all the time has gone. There were the NYS Math tests to get ready for and give. They, thankfully, were over on Friday. And then I have contracted the third upper-respiratory infection since Christmas which doesn't leave me with a lot of extra energy at the end of the day. Before I go to bed, I hope to have my photo-a-day blog updated. For now, here are a few prompts from Her Space: My Space this week that I am finally uploading:
Today's SOS: The view from our doorway a week ago, and looking up our street yesterday. We got another foot of snow this weekend. By this time in March, I am ready for spring, but I guess not.
Badge: Insignia to advertise, show membership of or make a statement with. Have you got a badge?
Yep, I do. For just a few more months though!
Jar: A wide-mouthed container made of glass or pot to contain food. Show us a 'jar' in your space.
Actually mine don't have very wide mouths, but they're pretty!
Fluff: Soft fibers that accumulate in small clumps. Find a bit of 'fluff' in your space today :)
Lots of this fluff here.
Maybe this week I can keep up!