There have been many quotes I would have liked to respond to from A Fancy Word for Simple, but by the time I get to looking at my favorite sites at night, I’m too tired to write anything sensible. Saturday’s, however, struck a chord—weekends always seem so short.
"Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them."
----John Shirley
This weekend was wonderful—warm, in the 70’s (haven’t seen that since November!), and sunny. We had to have our photographs taken for the church directory Friday night. I had high hopes of accomplishing quite a bit afterward, but they were running well over an hour behind. We went to dinner and to my mother-in-law’s to wish Bill a Happy Birthday. It ended up being a really nice night, very relaxing in the end—but nothing accomplished at home.
Saturday was better. I went to the gym early and then met my friend Mary. Our favorite stamp store is closing so we went to say good-bye to Linda and to wish her well. I was able to buy almost a whole spool of my favorite black and tan checked ribbon and loaded up on a variety of envelopes as well as one set of journaling stamps. Got all the bills paid, and found a birthday gift for a good friend, cleaned and organized my study, and had time for a glass of wine and dinner on the patio.
Today Tracy and I got up, went to breakfast at Papa Jack’s in Victor, and went to Bristol Garden Center. We bought two 6-packs of pansies for along the front walk, two holly bushes for the hill near the patio, and lots of black mulch. While I planted the pansies and cleaned out the large flower bed, Tracy got the mulch down in the beds in the front yard. We’re way ahead in lawn clean-up. Spent the afternoon organizing the photographs from our Kiawah Island vacation earlier this month and started on a scrapbook/album of the trip. Tonight I worked on next year’s school budget—almost done. So could I use another day? You bet, but it was a pretty productive weekend after all.