I feel like I've been among the missing on the blog scene, and in fact, I have. Not because I haven't ideas for posts, but there's been just too much on my plate and blogging falls quite a way down the long list. Finally the light is shining at the end of the tunnel. Report cards are done, the spreadsheet with recommendations for middle school math and literacy programs is done, and all the plans needed for after vacation are done. It's a relief--and the thought of vacation is so exciting--even if the weather forecast isn't all that one would hope. Aside from school work and getting ready for a week's vacation on Kiawah Island (our favorite vacation spot), I've been trying to keep up with my work for my Photo 101 class. I'm getting more and more comfortable with all the options on my Digital Rebel. This week we were working on depth of field. No pretty flowers or budding trees here so I took a shot of our patio light with my new 50mm/1.4 lens. It, too, has a learning curve, but I know I'm going to love it once I've had some more experience.
Tracy has wanted a tree face for a long time, and Sarah and Adam ordered one for him for his birthday. It was nice enough this weekend to put it on the tree beside the patio. Here are two shots of our tree guy:
We leave Friday for Kiawah. Can't wait. Sarah, Adam, Matt, and my brother will all join us for part of the time and everyone will be there on Tuesday. It's a rare event to have everyone together and I can't wait.