I love New York City. I really don’t care what I do there. Everything is alive and so different from my everyday existence. Lucky me, my college roommate lives in Manhattan, and I got to spend last weekend with her in NYC. We walked through Central Park to the East side
and spent an hour or so at the Whitney Museum at the Edward Hopper exhibit. My favorite painting was one of his self-portraits, but I liked a lot of his landscapes as well. On the way out, we stopped to look at Joseph Stella’s “The Brooklyn Bridge: Variations on an Old Theme.” It inspired us to grab the subway and walk across the Brookyn Bride ourselves. Here we are:
Here’s one of the many great views of Manhattan from the bridge.
And the bridge itself.
The weather was so perfect: warm and beautifully clear. We spent some time wandering up Broadway and got tickets for a hilarious musical called “The Drowsy Chaperone.” Relaxed, fun, always interesting . . . I love NYC.