It was another great day on the road. Left Cleveland this morning and arrived in Columbus around 10 o'clock. Did some shopping at three of my favorite stores: Archivers, The Container Store, and Nordstrom's. We'll hit all three again in Atlanta, but were able to find several things on our lists in Columbus. Then we headed over to the Ohio State campus. I was 16 the last time I was on campus. Much has changed, but I was able to remember where the department of music was located. (My dad taught there for nine years.) The Oval hadn't changed except for the incredible growth of trees which now obscure all the buildings surrounding it. Drove down High Street past the Capital building and on out of town to Cincinnati.
Arrived in Cincinnati in time to spend about an hour and a half at the Cincinnati Zoo. It was over 90 degrees, but we had a great time anyway. Took some great photos, and then headed off to Mt. Adams for dinner. The view of the Ohio River and the Cincinnati skyline can't be beat from Mt. Adams. (Check the Photo a Day log.) We were both happy campers with our little digital cameras. Looking for a good shot changes how you look at everything--for the better.