One of many advantages to being a teacher is having two New Years every year. The traditional January first New Year, and the new start of a school year. My whole life has always revolved around an academic calendar, and I have almost always loved the beginning of a new school year. (The one year I didn’t was my junior year of high school when my family moved from Ohio to New York. To say it was traumatic is an understatement. It was, however, one of the best things to happen to me--in retrospect.)
So there’s been no blogging because I can’t do the get ready for school thing and much of anything else. Haven’t done a scrapbook page, haven’t read a book, haven’t done anything but think about the new year. What worked well last year? What new things do I want to try this year? What will my bulletin boards look like? It goes on and on. But now it’s done. The kids come tomorrow. I have met a few of them--all with great smiles and eager to start a new year. Just like their teacher.
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