Although summer school takes up half my day there is still time for the pleasures of summer:
- Top on my list is lunch with my friends. During the school year I have about 25 minutes to gulp down my lunch, check e-mail, and go to the bathroom. This summer I have caught up with many of my friends over leisurely lunches. It’s such a treat.
- Sitting on our patio. We have new, and very comfortable, patio furniture, lovely flowers, and a country-like setting in the city. Although it’s been too hot to eat on the patio most days, we have breakfast on the patio and sometimes it cools down enough to sit and read after dinner. One beautiful Sunday I spent two hours reading the papers and a book. Luxury!
- Time to read blogs, the message board at 2Peas, and check out all the layouts in the gallery at 2Peas without feeling guilty about the time it’s taking. Having time to do what you feel like is a real pleasure of summer.
- Traveling. As soon as summer school ends, we’ll be on a road trip. I love driving with my husband (unless he is tailgating!). We’re off to see Sarah in Atlanta and when we leave there we’re going to explore the lakes along the Georgia/Tennessee border and visit Cincinnati and Columbus--two cities from my past. I’m anxious to see how they’ve changed.
- Reading. I’ve actually read two magazines cover-to-cover the day they arrived this week. I’m almost through Tom Friedman’s The World is Flat and I’ve learned a lot. Once again it’s time I just don’t seem to have during the school year.
- Scrapbooking and organizing. Sarah says I have a organizational disease which is probably true. I love to organize and it does help me keep track of all my stuff. Once I got my study all redone, I’ve kept up pretty well with my summer goals for finishing layouts. Now I have to figure out how to be consistently productive when the school year starts.
The pleasures of summer. . . I suppose they are even more appreciated here because our winters can seem so long and dreary. This summer we’ve had almost continuous sunshine -- just another pleasure.
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